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Company Board (CoBo)

Company Board (CoBo) is run by the students and provides leadership for the drama club. Students are invited to apply in the spring every year. These executive board members meet monthly to organize club events, help to coordinate each production, organize community service and workshops for the general Company membership.


CoBo helps to coordinate all production elements of each production including: parental support, set building, set painting, promotion, tech, lighting, costumes, props, selling program ads, program art, hair, make-up and more!


CoBo is overseen by a faculty advisor; Elizabeth Morris.


Company Board 2023-2024

Co-President: Shea Frimmer -

Co-President: Lulu Mann -

Business Chair: Avery Macrae -

Web master: Matthew Gladstone -

Publicity Chair: Emma Seoane -

Co-Constituency Chairs: Dylan Schwartz & Madelyn Stein- &

Secretary: Emily Kolodney-

Costume Delegate: June Skotis -

Pit Delegate: Sophie Rutkowski -

Art Delegate: Matthew Gladstone & Grace Forte- &

Tech Delegate: Aidan Baker & Aubrey Hankin - & Aubreyhankin

Advisor: Elizabeth Morris -


Details About the CoBo Board:

PRESIDENT: Acts as liaison to the advisor, producers, administration, and students. Calls and chairs meetings. Leads the Student Board in decision making and welcoming new members. In charge of COMPANY email list, Facebook/other social media pages. Covers for any job not done due to illness.

VICE PRESIDENT: Assists president. Substitutes for president if/when needed. Promotes original work for Dialogue by publicizing and encouraging writers both in and out of the club to assure all work is in by March deadline. Assists with Company bulletin board. Supports General Delegates.


SECRETARY: Takes attendance and minutes at all meetings. Sends out typed “Bulletin” (notes) after each meeting to Webmaster. Collects all information for club, including email and phone numbers, and use it to keep members informed on All things. Coordinate with Webmaster to ensure that all information is on website


BUSINESS CHAIR: Oversees all fundraising and business aspects of productions (ad sales, ticket sales, etc.). Develops and executes at least one fundraising event per year. Organizes school ticket sales for main stage production. Liaison with parent ticketing chair. Collects and organizes money for non-main stage productions, COMPANY events. Organizes and collects t-shirt and sweatshirt money, as well as other fees for main stage shows


PUBLICITY CHAIR: Provides articles/material for The Forum, school newspaper, other community publications and/or TV. Acts as liaison with director, advisor and producers regarding publicity. Coordinates posters, teasers and the publicity team. Coordinates school announcements, Weston Television Network, etc. Liaison with parent publicity chair. Assures all deadlines are met. Helpful if member of WHS Journal


CONSTITUENCY CHAIR: Recruit members for club. Welcome new members and see that they feel comfortable and are invited to all events. Organize ensemble promoting activities (including social activities) as approved by the Advisor. Assist with COMPANY Facebook/other social media pages. Maintains Company bulletin board with photos, posters, etc.


COMPANY WEBMASTER: Maintains and updates Company website regularly. Acts as a liaison with publicity delegates, producers, and parent volunteers when it comes to online presence. Assists with online ticketing, publicity, and calendars. Has access to and control over COMPANY website. *Include in application web/computer experience and skills*


ART DELEGATE: Is an active member of art crew. Acts as liaison for art crew with board, art advisor, directors Is responsible for art crew email list. Assures timely creation of all artwork (logos, t-shirt design, signboards, lawn signs, etc.) Coordinates tech/art hours with tech delegate


TECH DELEGATE: Is an active member of Tech crew. Acts as liaison for tech crew with board, tech advisor, directors. Recruits and assures available tech crew for all productions and events. Is responsible for tech crew email list. Keeps track of tech crew hours. Coordinates tech/art hours with art delegate


PIT DELEGATE: Is an active member of the pit. Acts as liaison for pit with board, advisor, directors Is responsible pit orchestra email list. Assures pit members are involved in rehearsals and coordinates pit hours. Assists pit director


GENERAL DELEGATE: Fills in for positions above when the need arises. Helps with the work of the Board (including set construction, publicity, ticket sales, etc.) Covers tasks not automatically assigned to one of the above Board members

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